Lockwood Asset Allocation Portfolios (LAAP)
Lockwood Asset Allocation Portfolios (LAAP) is a discretionary, multi-discipline managed account product. While Benjamin F. Edwards & Co. serves as sponsor of the program which offers LAAP, Lockwood Advisors, Inc. (Lockwood) serves as the portfolio manager.
Benjamin F. Edwards & Co. will monitor, perform due diligence and conduct research on Lockwood, while Lockwood will perform the same functions on the securities in which it invests and the performance of its proprietary models.
As the portfolio manager, Lockwood determines the asset allocation strategy and selects investment vehicles for each investment style component of LAAP based on its proprietary models. These models may consist of open- and closed-end mutual funds, exchange-traded funds, exchange-traded notes and other securities as determined by Lockwood.
Lockwood Advisors, Inc. is an SEC Registered Investment Adviser and affiliate of Pershing LLC, both are subsidiaries of The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation. Pershing LLC, member FINRA, NYSE, SIPC.